Wednesday, May 28, 2008



Greg and The Animal Kingdom

So Dude.....what's with you and all the dead animals? First the the bird? I seriously hope you have nothing to do with the deaths of these animals... We have already been down this road...and we are not going down it again. Leave the creatures're sick.

Get some sleep.

Monday, May 26, 2008

baby bird and hungry cat

Today Rob, Emeri and I we were setting up microphones to record a few demos. We're working on a bunch of material - all of it resting somewhere between a wide spectrum of complete and incomplete. Paul wasn't with us as he was checking out a Rickenbacker bass in Mississauga. He loved it, but it was not meant to be so he didn't end up purchasing it.

At one point during the day. I had to head back home to grab a pair of headphones for the session. I hoped onto my ebike (I'm soooo fucken progressive) and set off down the street. After about 10 feet I noticed a bird on the road, directly in my path. Seeing as it wasn't about to move I slammed on the brakes and almost spilled the bike. My father would kill me for doing that, but it was my first reaction.

A closer look at the bird. Young and injured. Not going to make it. Movement from the corner of my eye - a cat under the nearest car. Stand in the street looking confused for a few minutes. Guide the bird to the boulevard and let nature run it's course.


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