Sunday, November 30, 2008

Cross Country Championships

Hello Lovely Vacuitants.

Last night we played a show at the University of Guelph in a beautiful new building they have on campus. The cost of a post secondary education brings into question the true motives of such institutions. Outrageously priced textbooks in an age where digital copies cost almost nothing to make. Anyways...

We were brought in as dinner entertainment for the National Cross Country Championships. The celebration is in Guelph. As I understand it, they have a most promising team and have taken the top spot in the championships four years in a row. This is an unprecedented record. We were performing for future Olympians. The set was well received and we had an awesome time meeting everyone involved.

Setting up.

Rob plays some FF7 on his laptop. (best FF ever!)

Big thanks to Robert Zilles for asking us to play this show.




Anonymous said...

That's some high class gig! Yer movin' on up to entertaining dem edumakated folks, I hope ya'll wore yer clean whittie tighties!

Anonymous said...

I mean "tighty whiteys". White tights are pretty fancy too though.

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