Thursday, February 28, 2008

canadian winter

Rob 360'd off the road in the van the other night after rehearsal. While we were trying to get out another driver stopped and offered us his shovel.

Then another guy came running out of his house with 2 shovels.

Then a guy stopped and told us he was a paramedic and offered his help.

Nice people are out there.

Of maybe it's karma - if you're into that kinda thing.

A few weeks ago my girlfriend and I were returning from a home cooked meal courtesy of my mum. A hill we had to drive up on the way home was so icy that cars were sliding backwards down it. The two of us jumped out and pushed the car in front of us up. Then I proceeded to push our car up. Meanwhile, below us, the bottom of the hill was quickly become a chaos zone. As various people tried to go around each other, a city bus sat spinning it's tires endlessly. I thought, you know... if everyone just pushed the car in front of them up, this would be like clockwork.

Anyways. Winter sucks. Helpful people rule.

Become a helpful person.



qatalust said...

I don't believe in karma...
I believe in QRay TM.

It changed my life.


Highwaisted said...

greg (guitar) you need to update on a more regular basis.

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