Friday, May 16, 2008

cat got your tongue?

why dont you comment?

...we have google analytics... we know you read it.

we believe we're not monsters




qatalust said...

Well, it's like that old adage...
you know the one....

"if you can't think of anything witty to say, don't say anything at all"

I think that's how it goes.


Anonymous said...

'Monster' according to 'A Dictionary of Dream Symbols'By Eric Ackroyd:

Monsters represent the fearosmeness of the unconcious insofar as it is still unexplored. If you overcome your fear, you will find in your unconcious all you need to complement your concious ego. (In legends monsters guard treasure sought by a hero; in religious myths they guard mana-filled things - sacred objects/places. Psychologically speaking, you are the hero, seeking your self; the sacred place is your inner core; 'slaying' the monster is bestowing love on a feared and repressed desire/drive/emotion, and so transforming it into a creative factor in your concious life.) All that is now unconcious is destined to become concious. That is why you have to 'wrestle' with the 'monsters'.

Perhaps this will help with your delusions of monsters (seems to be mostly E though).

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