Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Ownership is a heavy anchor.

Our year end class trip in grade 8 was to an amusement park called Canada's Wonderland. Paul, Emeri and I went on a ride - I don't remember what it was called, but to this day Emeri was convinced that he was sliding out of the harness. In the past I've been known to doubt the strength of his conviction, but needless to say, it was a close call.

Rob, Paul, Emeri and I went to high school together. We were in a band then too. That was almost a decade ago. We used to salivate collectively about buying a 'band house'. A few years ago, we bought the house on Victoria street. We lived in the house for 3 years and produced almost no music. We got into debt and life got murky and though we didn't quite get 'sucked into the machine' - it reminded me of Emeri's experience at Wonderland - it was a close call.

We've since vacated such house on Victoria street for loftier pastures - parent's basements, girlfriend's houses, our bandhall and soon, our bus; Thor and a combination of floors and beds across the continent. We still own the house - ownership is a heavy anchor. Renting it out has proven to be quite the task. We've met and delt with a lot of sketchy people. We've been royally fucked over. It's a drag, but you pick up the pieces and you move on. Last week we spent a day cleaning up about half a ton of garbage from the property. We've got some quality people, that we know, moving into the place. All appears to be proper in this department.

If you've been out to a show since the release of 'Blanket Sky', I certainly hope you've seen our good friend, Jamie Usas, mixing live video in tandem with our music. We've been friends and working with Jamie since 'Come On Get Real'. He has recently left us for a short while for schooling in Rome. He'll be back though. Farewell Jamie. You are missed already.

There is a lot going on in Vacuity Land this week. Our friend (and my roomate) Elena has locked herself into her sweatshop while she manufactures bags and patches for us. They are going to be very cool. Stay tuned for more on that. We also met with our 'marketing guy' - Dan - yesterday. Now that we can say 'our marketing guy' we're hotshots. In all seriousness though, Dan is going to help us get the most out of this tour. He is helping us help ourselves. Great guy, great insights. Tomorrow at 8am, we are meeting another friend of ours, John Schmitt. Schmitty, will be helping us get Thor ready for the toil and strife on life on the road. He has an amazing bus himself. I haven't seen that ungodly hour of 8am since my father took me shopping for a suit a few months ago. it is early, but the coffee will taste great. (I hate suits.)

Another day I'll tell you about the time I saved Emeri from drowning - nearly at the cost of my own life!



1 comment:

Highwaisted said...

woo! more pictures of hilarity!

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