Friday, September 12, 2008


Rob and I are holed up in our room above the venue we are playing tonight. It is nice to be out of Thor. He is quite possibly one of the bumpiest rides ever. Trying to open a piece of fruit leather is a major task. Paul was slammed into the bottom of my bunk when we hit a particularly large bump. I was about to suggest that he apply with resume as a theme ride for Canada's Wonderland, but then I realized that I was making a suggestion to a bus... sleep deprivation will do that to one.

Emeri and Paul have run out to get supplies for some minor repairs/alterations. My bunk is directly below the air conditioner. It was leaking on the way here, but a quick pit stop and a bit of elbow grease from Paul had it fixed in no time. Water is relentless, but unfortunately for water, so is Paul.


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