Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Thor has been taken in. We have been unceremoniously ejected from our living quarters, but have taken up shack in The West Harvest Inn. You really start to realize how much of a nomad you are when someone asks you to get your possessions in about 2 minutes... and it isn't a problem. Last night the mechanic gave me a confused wave as I was boiling water on a camp stove in his parking lot. I waved back... pasta and Old Milwaukee all around.

Here are some pics that memory and SaskConnect kept me from posting.

enjoi. I can't get over how expensive hotel rooms are. I am now going to collect as much crushed ice as I can in a vain attempt at getting my money's worth.


Freaky sign for stop #1 on Thor's Mechanic tour.
The best venue in Thunder Bay.
The Stolen Minks of Halifax. Cool bunch of gals.
Ken Tizzard.. Hello.
Loading out of The Apollo, well fed.
Morning bunk shot from our parking spot in front of the Apollo.
Sketchy parking lot in Saskatoon.
Sketchy Hotel room in Saskatoon.
Chicken bones, beer pitchers, and syringes outside hotel window. Looks like a paaartay!
Saskconnecting.New accommodations, beside the load in zone.
Same dilly.Busking in Saskatoon.Busking in Saskatoon.
Busking Busking Busking. We payed for our dinner the next night with more of this.



Anonymous said...

Man I hope all goes well and the bus don't cost too much more money and will at the very least get you guys back home. Keep us informed and don't be shy to ask for help, we all support you and wish you well.

Elma said...

Hi Guys,
I applaud the buskers!!! Saskatoon seems to be sketchy all around - remind me not to visit.
Hope Thor is being taken care of and that you can move on tomorrow to your venue. Crossing fingers and toes for you guys!
You'll look back fondly in 20 years...

qatalust said...

Hey guys, hope the show in St.Oberson when well last nite...
Safe travels to Musician Lake.


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