Friday, September 19, 2008

sorry Bambi

Here are those pictures I was referring to earlier. Long drive from Brandon to Saskatoon tackled by yours truly. Diesel fumes are good for brain cells?

I ran over a dead deer. There was a wheel shaped path cut right through it. There are guts all over Thor. Maybe now that he has had his first kill the mechanical problems will cease... wait, there is transmission fluid leaking into the cab... maybe not.

The government in Saskatoon provides free wifi in the downtown. IMAGINE THAT? FREE INFORMATION!

We missed our gig tonight. Tomorrow night we're opening for a punkish band called Social Code. Should be a good crowd.

Rob and I tried busking for a bit in Brandon today. It was well received. The local Green Party Candidate gave us $20. He also ranted to us on film. Neato?

Happy to hang around.



qatalust said...

Greg and Paul,
I am becoming a bit concerend about all the cuddling that seems to be going on.....


Elma said...

Hi Guys,
Apart from Thor's hiccups you guys seem to be doing alright. It's so good to know that there are very nice people on the way that feed you and take you in. A Salut to them!!!
It was nice to hear from you last night. Luckily our phone was just fixed again, after 2 days of a dead phone line again. Thank you Bell Canada!

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