Saturday, November 1, 2008

Deadly Compounding

If you're like me and don't understand a goddamn thing about this 'economy crisis' that is unfolding, I highly recommend this video 'Crash Course' by Chris Martenson.

Not to be pushy, but it kind of directly affects your future so it might be in your best interest to make some time for it.



qatalust said...

I feel that your term 'video' may be a little misleading, due to the fact that it takes like 2 hours to watch the full thing. But very awesome link. Way easier to follow than zeitgeist II, didn't you think?

Smart people rule.

or they will, once our economic system fails and chaos ensues.


Anonymous said...

Im open for viable , sensical, and above all fair and just solutions, but alas thus far there are far more critics and utopian prophets than people with solid ideas that can or could be carried out to a logical end.

Keep eyes and ears and minds open, but be aware always of the thieves and imposters amongst us.

Also give unto Cesar what is Cesar's.

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