Monday, February 2, 2009

the moon owns me

recording is into week 3. midnight to twilight schedule is full blown and we're making good progress. we are working with a good mix of impulsiveness. a neat and different environment for us. exciting progress.

our computer crashes. a disheveled tascam 4 track collects dust in the corner. we dont use tape, but the imagery is better. here are some 'clippings'.

studio clippins 1.mp3

There are a good number of shows coming up in February. We will be playing a few shows around southern Ontario with a band called Murder City Sparrows. We will also be hooking up with Jay Spectre in Toronto, whom we've been trying to do a show with for a some time now. Our good friend Jamie will be mixing live video for these shows. he doesn't like it when rob points him out on stage and i'm not sure how he feels about it on the blog... just to be sure: he's that really tall guy in the side picture and he mixes live and stock footage along with our set. it is a quite a spectacle.

there is too much snow outside my house. I am going to stare out the window and try to melt it with my gaze.




Anonymous said...

fuckin clips are a like a saigon tease. some of these songs sound so bloody great.

I demand full(er) previews upon K/W arrivals.

alana da silva said...

1. onward, downward is getting weirder and weeeeeirder

2. i STILL want your music for this short i just made.

3. listening to you guys makes me happy and miss home

4. love the pink. really getting in touch with your vagines. diggin it.

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