Friday, March 20, 2009

3...2...1... BLASTOFF

Big thanks to everyone who made it out to the boathouse tonight. It was excellent to see you all out and we certainly do appreciate you listening to us play our songs. With the exception of those of you I will see in Guelph tomorrow night, I bid you farewell. I hope to see you all at the El Mocambo on May 23rd. In fact, if you're there that night I'd like to sample some audience claps for a song we've been doing called 'Got You'. If you've seen us in the last 8 months you've probably heard the song.

(day one of the tour and we're pushing the bus. is this a sign of things to come or are we just working the kinks out?)

In perfect Vacuity fashion (there are rumours of a curse) Atlas (our tour bus) stalled after we arrived at The Boathouse tonight. We initially thought the alternator was broken, but it turned out to simply be a faulty wire. Let me reintroduce Schmitty - also known as 'Ground Control'. Paul telephoned him at work and within minutes he was on the scene and able to repair Atlas. What would we do without you Schmitty? Truly, I do not know. Thanks x1000000.

Last thing - whomever that loud, obnoxious laughing man was - shame on you. I would hope a gentleman your age would have better manners. I am glad that you are having a good time but please have some consideration for the people around you - not to mention the band spilling their collective guts before your eyes...





cantaloupe K8 said...

That guy was just damn right rude! He was bothering me all night! Should've told him to shut up. But somedays I try to keep the peace.

Anonymous said...

So unlike Neil Young and his Old Laughing Lady you guys had a an old laughing guy?? Sorry I misd you lot, but man life gets in the way you know?
Good luck guys wish you all the best as always.

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