Thursday, May 7, 2009

carrot chasers

motivation and inspiration have eluded me the last few days. the days have been fine - slightly boring at worst. Nothing a good book cannot fight off. I've been fully immersed in a book my sister gave me a while back, 'Confessions of an Economic Hitman' by John Perkins. A first hand account of how the author convinced many developing nations to accept massive loans based on falsified economic predictions. The loans come with strict terms that funnel the money right back into the US. That synopsis does the book no justice. I wish I could hold a straight thought these days.

the gypsy caravan has setup a camp in a big box plaza. semi discreet at best, but we don't care. last night we didn't end up playing night one at the apollo. we had some vehicle problems and arrived late. we were lucky to be welcomed with open arms by sheila, tina and alex. a home cooked meal is a very welcome change at this point. on top of the food, the band that was playing, Flowers of Hell, were amazing. trumpet, flute, saw, guitar, bass, drums, synth, sequencer. It was mind blowing.

as for the vehicles problems, nothing Paul and his sidekick/hold this here person Emeri could not handle. The starter was replaced quickly and Atlas came back to life.

We are headed home very soon. This tour set a lot of things right from our tour in the fall. we learned a lot, met some very cool people and had a blast. However, 6 weeks of living off shitty food, bad sleeping arrangements and a lot lot lot of stimulation wears a person out. The band is tired. Last tour we were so tired, we started getting sloppy. That hasn't happened on this tour, but with everyday that goes by I can see us fading. It's normal and natural. Time for us to retreat into the studio (notice I did not say disappear) and work in a quiet and controlled environment for a while. recharge if you will. my mind moves faster than I can keep up with. I get bored easily so a change is welcome. talk to me 2 weeks into recording and I'll be ready to tour again but that is just the way it goes. we all chase after our own carrots I suppose.

I'm looking forward to tonight. We haven't played since Saturday. We were joking, for too many reasons to list here, that everywhere we go a black thunder cloud follows us around. When we get on stage is pretty much the only time the sun comes out. Feeling sorry for ourselves. Another sign it's time for a break from the road.

I will do my best to post some of our adventures from here until we get home. We have a lot of km to cover... who knows what will happen?




J.D. said...

I love the roughed up Chucks. That says hard tour to me. Not to mention the white vs. black van. The classic rock and roll symbol of good vs. evil! See ya soon, lads.

Anonymous said...

welcome home boys. I predict some amazing rest in your near future and the lovely ability to pick food out of fridges and clothes out of drawers.

I move to Toronto in a few weeks, will be in Waterloo around the same time. Was just there, sorry to miss you!

cheers and congrats!

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