Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Onward, Downward: Episode XI


I've prepared another video for everyone to watch.

You might be thinking, "This particular episode has taken him so LONG to complete!?!"



- Emeri



pws said...

never thought britney would make an appearance on onward, downward.
"i'm hostile"
..."where's your backpack?" ㅋㅋ
good stuff guys..
worth the wait :D

alana da silva said...

my favorite parts, which make me miss canada:
1. "he's too good, eh?"
2. "this whole thing was a hole... about two toonies width..."
3. that the muffler has a big "made the in USA etching on it
4. the rockies, which i have never seen
5. your music.

love you guys.

vacuity said...

I noticed a lot of the Canadian talk as well. Our INTERNATIONAL FANBASE must be wondering what the hell a toonie is...

When you experience Canada is as raw a form as we did, it is impossible not to pick up on the language, eh?

Glad you guys liked it. Emeri works himself to the bone on these.


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