Wednesday, April 21, 2010

we'll get there; you'll see


We've been working on a new album. It's taking a really long time. We really want to get it just right.

Some of the songs are like seeds - you can give them water and light but they still need time.

We are aiming for late July to record in this really cool space. After that there will be a few weeks of overdubs and then mixing. Looking like a fall/winter release.

I'm not sure how we're going to format the whole thing. There will most certainly be a free download. I like what Joey Comeau from A Softer World says in this interview (its near the bottom if you're in a hurry) about putting books online for free.

I will now take a few questions. From myself.


Yes, you over there good sir.

Me: Record? Haven't you been recording already?

Yes we have. I guess we are always recording. Its part of the process. I could upload a sketch take of almost every song on the album AT THIS VERY MOMENT. You gotta trust us though - it will be better to wait.

Next question... ah yes, the handsome fellow back there.

Me: When will Vacuity be performing live next?

We will be performing in KW shortly. And I'm pretty sure we're doing something in Toronto around the same time, or shortly thereabouts. I will post up the firm information the moment it manifests.


For now I'm working on a grant application, and getting ready for our rehearsal schedule to pick back up in a couple weeks.

Will. Keep. You. Informed.



1 comment:

Matias Schweigert said...

Awesome I got two things to look forward to early this winter ;) This would be your third official full length release, right?

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