Friday, April 11, 2008

Scene Magazine, London

Here is a review from Scene Magazine in London:

Vacuity definitely contradicts their name on At The Command Of The Blanket Sky, the second full-length album by this Kitchener-based band. Everything about this record is substantial: lyrics that avoid the baby-baby stuff and opt instead for confessional and catharsis, production values that give the proceedings a sort of warmly cozy wall-of-sound at times while leaving room for the silences and hushes that count, and a band sound that is sonically strong in all the right ways, working the dynamics of each track effectively. The overall tone of the album is generally one of dark stoicism and at times things get a little samey because of it; fortunately the musical landscapes are so carefully crafted that the melancholy isn't all that's on offer here. Promising.

-- Rod Nicholson B+


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