Tuesday, April 15, 2008

We come out at night and we never give up

We're recording some demos at the stroke of Midnight tonight. Although there is nothing quite like a sunny day, we're night creatures for sure. Plus, Purgatory is only quiet at night.

Now, I know some of you may be asking yourselves (hell, someone even asked US in 'real' life) Why the heck are we recording new demos when we just dropped a 13 track full length? The answer is simple:

We are monsters.

The writing is on the wall people. Remember Emeri's post about monsters?

Anyways, we are indeed working on new songs. Quite a few too. Since 'At the Command of the Blanket Sky' was so ridiculously optimistically themed we've decided to move even further away from the light. Let's see what kind of material happens when your singer/lyricist reads post apocalyptic science fiction novels for a year. Don't worry, we won't become Muse. We don't like appregiators enough.

Well, this entire blog was just an excuse to post this sweet gif I made. UPDATE: the fucking gif doesn't even work. I guess it'll just be pictures.

I'll report back on the session tonight. Hopefully Rob and I don't get all pissy again. See? We don't always get along.

While I'm gone try to imagine this: someone else in this band posting a blog.

Lazy bitches.

Speaking of lazy bitches. I am working on a new website for our band. Just the other day these Really Important Record Label People came up to me and said, "Man, we were gonna give you guys a million bucks and a bus load of babes, but your website sucks so forget it." I've been checking out some of the sites I frequent and I think we're gonna go for a mix between nickelback.com and
avrillavigne.com. I've just got to figure out how to make ads in Flash that speak in testosterone.

Talk about missed opportunities.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you all part your hair on the same side....makes the photos even better.

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