Friday, October 3, 2008


There is much to report. There is a lot to tell. I can't even mentally summarize things anymore as the days are a little out of focus. A little faded around the edges. I wake up. I'm either in a bus, van truck, bus or getting into a bus, van, truck, bus. It doesn't matter. A few hours later I'm unloading and setting up gear. I'm in a shady bathroom learning that 'Reid blows real good 4 u'. The same shitty songs play in the clubs before and after our set. I'm playing 3 sets a night. We're debuting a song we've never played before. Back in the van, bus, motor vehicle of some sort. It doesn't matter. Onward, downward. I'm sleeping in Scooter's burnt out basement. The Twisters tell me to stop fucking around with these shit shows and start booking us into festivals. I'm drinking alcohol with Garret and Garth. A pretty waitress smiles at me. The RCMP knock on our bus door and ask why there are no plates. I'm drinking beer outside of Salty's Liqour. Someone asks me if they can have my sweater. My neck is sore from sleeping wherever I pass out. I'm loving almost every minute and secretly loving every other minute. Whenever a dark cloud passes over I think of the music and everything's fine. What day is it? Where are we today? The prairies stretch on endlessly, but now behind me. I miss my other life, but feel just as at home here. Nowhere. Scooter tells me we're all going to be millionaires. I wake up scared, not knowing where I am. This is chaos, but I like it? Strange faces, new places. I never know there names: Candy, Mandy, Andy, Mark, Matt, Matt, Matt, Paul, Emeri? I'm drinking Guinness with Tim Lee all the while he is saving our tour, and filling our brains with great ideas and stories. I love seasoned musicians. I'm sleeping on the floor. I'm wondering when we're gonna get a chance to stop for dinner. The Rockies lie ahead. Tomorrow is my turn to drive. I still don't like the sun. I'm in another small town for 8 hours. I'm back in the bus, van, car, truck.

I'm building an atom bomb in my basement.



Anonymous said...


great post greg.
come home i miss you.


Anonymous said...

"Mach Schau", muddafukkas !!!

This is your 'Hamburg Reeperbaun Stint' fellas.......on-stage toilet seats, underage groupies, and a plethora of good Canadian beer.

Love our country, embrace her on your Cross Canadian Ragweed Travels and make sweet, sweet monkey-love to her ALL NIGHT LONG !!

Your biggest (literally!) Ontario fan,

Waterloo Doughboy

P.S. Bass-Man: 'the gang' are doing Boilermakers IN YOUR HONOUR this year at Kaydub's Nazifest 2008 !!

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