Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I am an island

Hello. We've all been well. How have you been?

Yesterday we crossed a small strip of ocean and landed ourselves on Vancouver Island. We explored Victoria and the surrounding area for a few hours. I took a trip down a foggy memory lane and then we hunted for laundry facilities. Second time doing laundry into the trip. We were all at slightly varying degrees of laundry yearning. It is excellent to have clean clothes to wear. It adds just enough respect to the traveling gypsy lifestyle to keep you from being arrested. What a beautiful island though. Why live somewhere else? Rob tells me that a quick Google search revealed Victoria as the second most affordable city - in terms of rent - in Canada. Ottawa was first. I did not take as many pictures as I hoped because I wanted to experience the place, not document it.

Emeri was not sick whatsoever on the ferry ride. It was a really cool voyage and is indeed quite the way to travel. It has been years since I have traveled on a boat of such massive proportions and the sun and wind and water made the time fly past - almost too fast.

Last night parked Atlas just outside of Victoria's Inner Harbour, drank beer and went exploring. We ended up way out on a windy pier, in the pitch black. I did not bring my camera along for our nightly explorations but there were some prime photo ops.

Today we had lunch on the docks. We then piled into Atlas and Paul drove us to Nanaimo. We loaded in to The Cambie and are currently just chilling out in our delapitated room. Bunk beds again. We're agreed to do a guitars only set tonight.

Paul and Rob are pillow fighting. Atlas suffered a graffiti attack in Vancouver.

Thanks for reading.




rabbit said...

oh, i SO miss the island, and ocean etc.... you lucky guys you!

Patti-atti said...

I love that you were in Nanaimo - my dad worked there for a while. Just down the road is Ladysmith BC, which is where I lived, and where Miss. Pamela Anderson grew up (oh yeah, that's right - my babysitter totally lived next door to her). Just down a little further is Chemainus BC, where I was actually born - it's called the "Little Town that Did": used to be a mill town, then almost a ghost town, till an artist revived it by making it a tourist spot - with murals allll over the city - super pretty!

So there's a little bit of Patti BC trivia for you!

It was nice to see you on Friday (heeehee), just listened to Bound and had to pop on over to say hey!

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